
The Landscape

Mongolia is a land locked country located between China on three borders and Russia in the north; with  Kazakhstan being just beyond the western border with China. The terrain ranges from the Gobi Desert, in the southern part of the country, to steppes, covering most of the nation, and the mountains in the north and west. Because of its beauty Mongolia is know as, "The Land of The Blue Sky".

The People

Mongolia has a population around 3.1 million   people. Most of Mongolia were nomadic people. Now many have settled in the towns or cities. Almost half of the nation's people live in the capital city, Ulaanbaatar. The Mongolians are excellent horsemen, archer, and wrestlers. Traditionally they lived in a Ger. This structure is easily moved and set up which was necessary for their Nomadic lifestyle. You still see the Mongolian Ger throughout the landscape today. The music in Mongolia is unique. Mongolia is known for throat singing. Throat singing is one person singing two or three tones or notes at the same time. They are also known for the Horse Head Fiddle. It is a two stringed instrument traditionally carved with horse head on the top of the fiddle.

The History

Mongolia is known as the country of Genghis Khan. Genghis Khan conquered most of Europe and Asia. China ruled the land of Mongolia for a time. Mongolia gained its independence from China with the help of Russia and a Soviet state was installed. Later Mongolia gained its independence from Russia and is now its own country.